The above picture is of Maya Bay/Beach on Kho Phi Phi island in Thailand. The tourism industry is a cash cow, and snapping photos of paradise in solitude is an appealing way to bring in the crowds. Unfortunately, you spent thousands to go on your trip to experience what was depicted in the photo, only to leave somewhat disappointed. From the Great Wall of China to the Sistine Chapel, misleading photos of seclusion give way to packed crowds and endless noise. For more examples please see {Tourist photos Expectation vs Real life}. With the internet making the world a much smaller place, it may seem impossible to experience these places free from legions of people. Is there a way around this? Is it possible to experience a popular destination without a mob of people? You betcha! It may involve going out of your way and in some cases, spend a little extra cash, but the payoff is worth it.

Go Early

The primary low cost option is to always go early. When I say early, I mean wake up at 5AM at the latest. Yes, it’s inconvenient for you, but it’s also inconvenient for everyone else as well. Most people opt to go at a more convenient time. For example, in Rome, the Trevi Fountain is packed with people pushing each other to see the waters. If you go at 6 in the morning, it’s much calmer.

This doesn’t always work though. Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia receives millions of visitors a year. Arriving just before sunrise is an experience that offers some incredible photo opportunities. Unfortunately, it is well known to many tourists. There are other ways to avoid the crowds at Angkor Wat. In the case of Maya Beach, you would probably have to get a hotel nearby and hire a private longboat in the morning at an extra cost to arrive before the speed boat crowd.

Private Tour

The cost for a private tour can vary based primarily on location. A private hire in Thailand can be exceptionally cheap whereas in Italy it could be a bit pricey. Of all the sites my daughter and I visited while in Rome, we were most excited about the Vatican. Namely the Sistine Chapel. We knew it was usually packed with people, and that takes away from the experience. I went to Viator and found a Private VIP tour of the Vatican’s secret rooms and the Sistine Chapel. This was after hours when the Vatican is typically closed to the public. As you can see below, the contrast from crowd to private is noticeable. Having said that, this tour was expensive to say the least, but it was worth every single penny.

Go during the low season

Depending on the location, most places either have a cold season far North or South of the Equator, and tropical places tend to have a rainy season. These tend to be the low season, or when a place receives the fewest visitors. Going during these times might pose a risk. No one wants to see Jamaica during a hurricane. Then again, no wants to see large crowds either. It’s a risk, but it’s a risk I’ve taken a few times before. I can tell you I have visited Paris in Early winter during the Weekdays, and visited Thailand during the rainy season. I thoroughly enjoyed both trips.

Don’t go during huge celebrations

Do your research and find out when holidays and celebrations occur. For instance, if you want to avoid massive crowds in Rio De Janeiro, it’s probably not wise to go during their Carnival with 5 million strong partying in the city.

If you can think of anything else to add, comment or even criticize on, please let me know.